セクハラ問題 Sexual harassment in Japan

(English Below)

つまり世界という社会の中で、日本は「もしかすると想像力と理解力が低いのではないか」と思われている。"Give a sense of the magnitude of the problem."(問題の深刻さに気付いてほしい)からMe too movementがはじまったということを先ほど知った。

The article about the comment of Japan's Finance Minister, "It would have been easier to read if they had used a bigger font.", is expanding into the world.
It is not reported about only the unique comment, but also about Japan's lack of understanding of sexual harassment memorably.
Additionally, the article tells the world, Japan's lack of imagination for the common modern task of the world society. In short, recentry, the people of the world thinks Japan may be so.
Including me, many Japanese realized that sexual harassment is the problem of organization, not personal, and also the problem is far more serious problem than Japanese men though.
Women in the world must think by reading this article, "Give a sense of the magnitude of the problem, to Japan, too."

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